

服务建立社区. 社区为所有人创造增长.

作为我们长期以来回馈社会传统的一部分, LBMC成立了LBMC关怀基金会. The LBMC关爱基金会 further strengthens the firm’s robust community outreach programs, including its annual Lending Hands initiative launched in 2017 as a way for team members to volunteer at area nonprofits during company time around the holidays.

LBMC关爱基金会 funding focuses on three primary categories – behavioral health, 儿童和青少年, and domestic violence prevention services – based on feedback from team members. Service projects will remain broader in scope as the firm continues its active hands-on volunteer program each year. The LBMC关爱基金会 is a registered 501(c)3 organization that will support nonprofit organizations with 501(c)3 status.

While giving back to the community has been part of our DNA since we were founded more than 35 years ago, the foundation allows us to have an even greater impact on our communities, 无论是捐款还是时间. We are honored to be able to continue to empower and uplift the communities we serve, 进一步加强我们回馈需要帮助的人的承诺.



Lending Hands is LBMC’s community service initiative that gives employees the opportunity to “lend a hand.”




We created a foundation board and service committee comprised of members from all levels of the organization, providing additional leadership opportunities for team members across the enterprise. Each year, LBMC team members volunteer hundreds of service hours at nonprofits across our markets. The foundation and accompanying service committee allow our team members to have a voice in the types of organizations we support while offering more opportunities for growth and development.
Suzanne Reed, LBMC首席营销官

LBMC关怀基金会的使命, 值, 以及它在社区内创造积极变化的作用.

The LBMC关爱基金会 demonstrates LBMC’s commitment to making a positive impact in the community through its various outreach initiatives. 这个基金会是公司价值观和精神的证明, going beyond business endeavors to contribute meaningfully to societal well-being.

  1. 协作事务: LBMC关怀基金会是一个集结点, encouraging LBMC team members to engage collaboratively with local nonprofits and community organizations. This collaborative spirit fosters a sense of unity and purpose among employees, 提倡回馈社会的文化.
  2. 全人社区支援: 基金会的战略重点是行为健康, 儿童和青少年, and domestic violence prevention services highlights its dedication to addressing multifaceted community needs. 通过瞄准这些特定领域, 该基金会确保对社区提供全面的支持, 针对那些深刻影响人们生活的问题.
  3. 有效的资金: The LBMC关爱基金会’s financial support extends beyond mere monetary contributions. It signifies a commitment to sustainable change by investing in organizations that have received 501(c)3 status. This ensures that the foundation’s resources are channeled toward initiatives with a proven track record of positive impact.
  4. Employee-Driven: The foundation’s priorities are shaped by feedback from LBMC team members, 强调以人为本的方针. This employee involvement not only demonstrates the company’s democratic decision-making process but also strengthens the sense of ownership and responsibility among employees.
  5. 全年事务: While the annual Lending Hands initiative during the holidays is a notable endeavor, LBMC关怀基金会的参与并不局限于单一的活动. Its active year-round volunteer programs reflect an enduring commitment to making a difference in the community, 不管一年中的什么时候.
  6. 社区发展: 该基金会的口号是“服务建立社区”. 社区为所有人创造增长,” captures the essence of how community service and growth are interconnected. 通过投资于社区福利, LBMC contributes to the growth and prosperity of both the company and the people it serves.
  7. 可衡量的影响: The LBMC关爱基金会’s commitment to broadening its scope while continuing its hands-on volunteer programs ensures that the impact remains quantifiable and tangible. 这种方法允许基金会跟踪进度, 庆祝取得的成就, 并找出需要改进的地方.
  8. 长期目标: 作为一个注册的501(c)3组织, LBMC关怀基金会为其长期愿景奠定了坚实的基础. This legal status demonstrates the foundation’s intention to make a sustained and enduring difference in the community, 这表明它致力于创造持久的变革.
  9. 社区伙伴关系: The foundation’s emphasis on working with nonprofit organizations shows a spirit of collaboration rather than competition. This approach leads to fruitful partnerships that amplify the impact of both LBMC and the organizations it supports.
  10. 激励别人: 通过分享LBMC关怀基金会及其倡议的故事, LBMC can inspire other businesses and individuals to take an active role in giving back to their communities. This ripple effect can lead to a broader culture of philanthropy and social responsibility.