
  • ASU 2024 - 01简介: FASB released ASU 2024 - 01 to enhance clarity and provide detailed examples for the 应用程序 of profits interest under ASC 718.
  • 扩展的说明性指南: The update includes a new illustrative example that clarifies the scoping guidance for profits interest, 帮助实体准确应用ASC 718.
  • 详细定义及应用: Reinforces the definition of profits interest via 国税局收入程序93-27 and outlines its accounting implications under various scenarios within ASC 718 and 710.

FASB ASU 2024 - 01概述:解释利润利息奖励的最新更新

财务会计准则委员会(FASB)已经提出 ASU 2024 - 01 to enhance clarity around the scope 应用程序 of profits interest and similar awards. 这一更新的详细内容见 ASC 718, Compensation-Stock补偿, includes illustrative guidance to assist reporting entities in accounting for profits interest awards as compensation for services provided by employees or nonemployees.


利润利息,定义为 国税局收入程序93-27是指不包括资本权益的合伙利益. This type of interest grants rights solely to the future profits and/or equity appreciation of the entity, 与属于流动净资产的资本权益相反. The unique characteristics and terms associated with profits interests often lead to varied accounting practices under ASC 718 or other standards like ASC 710, 反映了他们治疗的复杂性.

Main Provisions of ASU 2024 - 01: A 关闭r Look at the Updated Guidance on Profits Interest

ASU提供了一个说明性示例,概述了四种场景, demonstrating the 应用程序 of scope guidance in paragraph 718-10-15-3 for a profits interest or similar award with specific features.

该表显示了说明性示例中的事实模式(从案例A到D). It summarizes the conclusions regarding the 应用程序 of the scoping guidance outlined in paragraphs 718-10-15-3 for each case. 请注意, the term “Units” in the table specifically refers to the Class B Units as detailed in Example 10 of the ASU.

ASU 2024 - 01的主要规定:概述四种场景的说明性示例.


情况下是的情况A和情况B中的单位被归类为基于股票的支付奖励. They qualify as they permit grantees to partake in the residual interests of the entity. 此资格在授予或退出事件期间立即发生, 符合第718-10-15-3(a)段概述的标准.
案例C是的案例C中指定的单位不是该实体的权益工具, 因此,它们不符合第718-10-15-3(a)段概述的标准。. 然而, they do fulfill the condition specified in paragraph 718-10-15-3(b)(1) as the cash proceeds upon an exit event are determined based on the share price of the entity.
例D不,请申请其他美国大学.S. 公认会计准则The Units do not satisfy the criteria specified in paragraph 718-10-15-3 due to several reasons:

  • 该单位不授予持有人实体的任何权益工具.
  • 所得收益与实体股票的价格无关.
  • There are no conditions under which the entity is obligated to issue its equity shares or other equity instruments.

ASU 2024 - 01: ASC 718分类指南不变

The ASU provides additional illustrative guidance to aid in determining whether profits interest and similar awards fall under the scope of ASC 718.  This enhancement should streamline the initial assessment of such awards under the ASU. 然而, entities must note that merely establishing that an award falls under ASC 718 does not automatically categorize it as equity-classified.  Entities must still evaluate the specific classification guidance within ASC 718-10-25-6 through 25-19A to determine if an award should be treated as equity or as a liability.

The amendment to paragraph 718-10-15-3 in the ASU aims to refine the clarity and applicability of the existing guidelines. Despite this modification, the fundamental intent and 应用程序 of the guidance remain unchanged. This emphasizes the importance of a meticulous assessment process when classifying any financial awards or interests.



生效日期自12月15日以后开始的财政年度, 2024, 包括这些财政年度内的过渡时期.自12月15日以后开始的财政年度, 2025, 包括这些财政年度内的过渡期间.
早期采用Early adoption is allowed for any financial statements that have not yet been issued or made publicly available for issuance.
过渡追溯适用于所有以前列报的期间. Entities must adhere to disclosure requirements in line with ASC 250-10-50-1 through 50-3.


This applies prospectively to profits interest and similar awards that are granted or modified on or after the date of adoption. Entities are required to disclose both the nature and the reasons for the change in accounting principle.


LBMC如何帮助导航ASU 2024 - 01

As the FASB introduces ASU 2024 - 01 to refine the scope 应用程序 of profits interest and similar awards, LBMC is equipped to guide your organization through these updated regulatory requirements. Our seasoned professionals possess expertise in ASC 718 implications and are adept at assisting with the intricate considerations of profits interest awards.

您的组织是否需要帮助来确定范围, 应用程序, 或者在新的亚利桑那州立大学下这些奖项的分类, LBMC提供战略见解和实用的解决方案. 我们确保您的报告流程符合最新标准, helping you maintain compliance while optimizing financial and operational performance.

准备好确保符合最新的FASB更新? 今天联系LBMC 填写这张表格 安排与我们会计准则专家的咨询. Let us help you navigate the complexities of profits interest and similar awards with confidence.